Help support the community. Your membership helps to pay for new equipment to review on the TechNotice Youtube Channel.
Building a new Creator PC and want tips, tricks, and some personal help? This Membership puts you into our "Creators Group Club" You post the questions and as we can we will answer them and if your questions are good enough we might answer them in a video.
You will be part of the MEGA Members Club Group where we will help you with your build. We will look over the system you want to build and help you make it the best possible. We will get hands-on with every Thursday via a live MEGA Forum.
Our Silver Supporters get a Directory listing in our Tech Directory. Ability to offer deals to our members and tap into over 140K YouTube Subscribers as we will add your business to the Silver Members list that is at the end of every Video.
Higher Directory Placing in our Tech Directory a Personal Mention at the end of our YouTube Videos. A Page on our community section where you can tap into our members with your special deals, tech updates. Perfect plan for an Intel, NVidia or AMD Rep.
Your membership includes a video mention at the beginning of our Youtube Videos, a page and a group page in our community. The Featured spot in our Tech Directory.Perfect for Intel & AMD, Nvidia, Asus, and Channel SponsorshipsTAP INTO 150K YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBERS PLUS CHANNEL WATCHERS!